JAV Museum

R18.dev Update #2

Another month has gone by since my last update. No major changes just yet, but a good handful of smaller ones:

Data improvements

  • Separate entries are created for different kinds of releases, even where they share the same content ID. For instance, a video where both the physical and digital releases have the same content ID will produce two releases.
  • Improved conversion of runtime data.
  • Improved detection of missing DVD covers.
  • Fixed an issue where a director's name was recorded as ----.

UI improvements

  • Thumbnails on list pages are now lazy loaded. This reduces the amount of network activity and makes it less likely that a thumbnail will fail to load because there are too many requests.
  • Some images are now fetched from DMM's international CDN, which should make them load faster.
  • R18.dev has included eBooks for some time now. In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure they belong on the site, but I've made a few adjustments to the eBook pages to reflect that they are eBooks rather than videos.
  • The de-censorship of titles now supports a few more words.
  • Improvements to placeholder images.
  • The lookup box now removes any spaces from your input before searching.
  • List pages now make use of your screen's full width.
  • Fix the red underline for machine translated content on Google Chrome.
  • Optimisation for smaller screens (e.g. phones).
  • Various other styling adjustments.

In other news, I've created a Mastodon account where I'll be posting more frequent updates about changes to the site.