The project is now a month old, so it's probably a good time to take stock of where we're at, and what's coming up next.
One of the main objectives of the project was to preserve information from following its closure. This has been achieved rather successfully, I think. Despite not currently having a proper homepage, it is quite easy to change a URL to an one:
If you have any bookmarks, you can use this method to get information about bookmarked videos.
Many features have already been implemented. Here are some of the highlights:
- Support for delisted videos
- Support for new/upcoming videos
- Ability to browse videos by studio, label, actress, actor, director, writer or category
- Trailer links
- Image galleries
- DeepL machine translations
A rudimentary 'lookup' feature allows you to find videos by DVD code or content ID. also powers the JAVLibrarian bot in the JDC Discord server so you can access information there.
So, what's next?
- Improvements to the database schema
- Automatic weekly import of new video data
- The current website was only developed as a proof of concept, so it will now need to be rebuilt properly (albeit not entirely from scratch)
Many thanks to everyone who has helped with this project or voiced their support. There's still a long way to go, but hopefully will be useful to you.