Feed Me is a 2023 horror film from studio Gamma Entertainment under their Adult Time brand and one of my favourite directors, Ricky Greenwood.
In the lead role is another favourite of mine, Lulu Chu, who plays Sally – a 20 year old who is trying to figure out what to do in life. Her 24 year old boyfriend, Paul (Apollo Banks), wants to get married and start a family but Sally feels they're too young for that. Meanwhile, her mother Celeste (Julia Ann) doesn't want Sally to get involved with men, so she can avoid repeating the mistake she made when she was younger.
However, all this family drama starts to pale in significance when Sally starts feeling pain in her stomach. At first she thinks she might be pregnant, but when the test comes back negative, she sees Dr Thomas Petit (Tommy Pistol) – priest turned medical doctor – who suggests the cause of the pain may be something that cannot be explained by science.
I was really impressed by Lulu Chu's performance, which was very convincing and the more emotional scenes really made me sympathise with Sally. Tommy Pistol is also a fantastic actor as always.
Feed Me has quite a few scenes of body horror where we see things happening to Sally due to a cum-hungry demon apparently living inside her. There are some very impressive special effects which I think is not created using CGI. This does create a somewhat unfortunate continuity error in one case where Lulu's underwear seems to change design in one shot, but on the whole it's really great to see these kinds of effects that are quite rare in porn.
In fact, although there are sex scenes in this film, the rest of the film (even parts featuring nudity) is more scary than sexy. It's actually a pretty good horror film in its own right.
My only real criticism is that the film kinda falls apart towards the end. Things happen without any explanation, and the story basically ends without a proper ending. There are also a few scenes where Sally meets a creepy nun named Dorothy who goes off on long monologues. Now, Dorothy is played by Ginger Lynn who is a legend, but her scenes are so boring, it's a real shame.
Honestly, I was fully prepared to give this film five stars, because it's really exceptional in many ways. But even so, I left feeling somewhat short changed. Despite that, though, it's well worth checking out.
★★★★☆ 4/5