JAV Museum

Notice: Change to review schedule

Mizuna Rei bows her head in apology, from RCT-695

Hello, dear readers. Firstly, many thanks to those of you who read my quirky reviews. I'm not sure why you'd subject yourself to such a thing, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

For the past eight months, I've published to this blog a JAV review every week and a western review every two weeks. Honestly, it hasn't been too gruelling to keep up with the schedule, but I have found it difficult to also spare the time for R18.dev that it deserves. I've also found myself putting off reviewing some longer videos, simply because it's a bit unwieldy to watch and review a sometimes 240+ minute video in the four days I have, alongside everything else. It doesn't help that many of my reviews require in-depth research.

It is for these reasons that I'm now halving the frequency of my reviews. I'll be publishing reviews to the following schedule:

  • JAV reviews every other Sunday (starting 7th July)
  • Western reviews every fourth Wednesday (starting 3rd July)

Additionally, this will hopefully free up some time to write blog posts other than reviews. I have a handful of posts that have been languishing as drafts for some time now (one is even over two years old!), so I may now be able to give them some attention.

I appreciate this may be disappointing to some, but I hope you will see the benefits of this. Thanks, again, for everyone's support. I have reviews for some extremely interesting videos coming up over the next few weeks, so please stay tuned!